January-May, 2014

As Graphic Designer, my main goal is to create, keep learning and never stop bringing ideas.
As Human, my main goal is to share what life gives me, to teach what I know and make a difference.

These logos were designed for a Social Program, "Entrepreneurship for Transforming Lives"
where entrepreneurs were assisted to open their businesses. 

I never wanted to fulfill my designer's vanity, but entrepreneurs' wishes about how they imagined
their brand. I talked with entrepreneurs' to know why they wanted to start,
I heard their feedbacks and tried to bring their personalities along with their businesses' essence.

Yes, this was a non-paid job, but I never lowered my quality and of course, even when you may say
I don't value my effort, I'm proud of helping these people without expecting anything but an honest "Thank you"
Logotype for some Biotechnology Stuff
LOGOS | 2014

LOGOS | 2014

Logotypes | January-May, 2014
